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I was recently in California visiting the fintech, startup and venture community, and heard lots of company pitches and aspirations. They ranged from the geeky, to the quirky, to a bit nutty, to pure genius. I heard about the meta-universe (still not sure what that is exactly!), an app that allows me to see a 3D scan of my naked body (no thanks!), some cool sensors for robots and cars, and even learned about turning air to water using solar power.

One idea that really struck me was moving from SaaS (Software as a Service, all the rage today) to OaaS (Outcome as a Service). The notion is that people don’t care about the platform, the device or how the API works. They just want results. They are most interested in the outcome.

While I combine Uber and Yelp to locate and get myself to a restaurant, the OaaS concept is that there would be a ‘one stop shop’ to do it all. “Find the best sushi restaurant near my final destination, confirm they are open, call a car, and take me there. “ Gentlemen, I humbly suggest you might add, “stop along the way to buy flowers for the lady”. In the OaaS world, the user isn’t flipping around between apps but can manage the outcome in an integrated fashion.

What does this mean for BankersLab? Outcome as a Service means we will create smarter, wiser bankers. Bankers who anticipate the interactions in their portfolios, craft and test portfolio strategies, all while maximizing customer retention and profitability. We’ve always remained focused on those outcomes rather than the marketing or technology per se. During 2015 we are conducting initiatives with clients who have the aspiration to measure that outcome, and a hat tip to their commitment. We welcome all of our clients to participate in projects to measure the training outcomes.

All the technology and gadgets I saw in California may have overwhelmed me, but the OaaS realization was comforting.

BankersLab is already the future: We provide the OaaS of smarter, wiser bankers!

Learn more about how we can provide better outcomes for you & how we can help nurture your Human Capital by speaking with us today.